The estimated E-bill statement will be available online December 12, 2024 late in the day. (Spring Registered students)
E-Billing notifications are automatically emailed to Student's Goucher email address if registered for classes. Parents and any other bill payers who have been granted access by the student to billing information will also receive email notifications.
Have your student go to and click on "Student Granting Access To Others" for instructions on granting you access to e-billing and making online payments. once you have been granted access, you will receive an email from goucher webpay with a temporary password that you will need to change as soon as possible to a permanent password. You should also submit a "Security Question response" that will allow you to reset your password should you forget it in the future.
Use the Undergraduate worksheet to calculate your balance using the Billing Worksheet.
The Spring 2025 payment due on Janaury 6, 2025. Avoid the $200 late fee, pay by January 8, 2024.
We encourage online (real-time) payments but also accept paper checks and wire transfers as payments. Please include your student's full name on all checks. Payment options.
Student Accounts is located in the Dorsey Center, Suite 103 with regular business hours (9 - 4:30 M- F.) Tuesday and Thursday the office is closed to in person inquires.
Note: The college will be closed 12/23/24 – 1/1/25 for the holidays. Online payments will continue to be accepted during this time. Payments mailed to the college during the holiday closure will be posted to the student accounts with a date of January 2025.
Goucher offers a monthly tuition payment plan through Transact and are interest free. Semester plans have a $35 enrollment fee and are either 5, 4 3 or three month plans. Goucher account balance will decrease as you make your monthly payments, therefore you will see a balance due until the contract is fully paid. The UG Billing Worksheet can help you get a good starting point, and then the plan amount can be adjusted after you receive your Spring statement. All plan enrollments must be submitted online. For information /enroll login at with your credentials. If you have any questions about enrolling in a plan, call Transact at 1-877-821-0625.
Yes, Goucher accepts credit cards as payments however convenience fees do apply.
If paying the Spring balance with financial aid (including loans) please make sure all required documentation has been submitted to the Financial Aid office and the Financial Aid process is complete. Students may check the status of their financial aid at
Yes, 529 payments may be submitted directly to Goucher.
Contact your state plan administrator for a disbursement processing and time line. Typically, the plan will submit the payment directly to Goucher College on your behalf. Many 529 plan payments may be submitted electronically through the online payment system. Login to with your credentials to see if your plan is eligible. If you are not submitting the 529 payment electronically, (529 paper checks can take a few weeks to process) please be sure to make your request well before the due date of January 6. If your 529 paper check payment may not make it to Goucher on time, you can email us a copy of your 529 payment request to prior to the due date.
Have the check made payable to Goucher College and include the student's full name and/or Goucher ID on the check.
Mail to: Goucher College, Student Billing SFS, Dorsey Center, Suite 103, 1021 Dulaney Valley Road, Baltimore, Maryland, 21204
A negative balance on your statement indicates a credit balance on the student account. This credit may be transferred from your student account to your student OneCard (Tuition payment plan credits are excluded from being transferred to the OneCard until the Tuition payment plan contract is paid in full). Credit balances at the end of the term will be carried over to the next term unless a refund is requested in writing or the student is no longer attending.
Students taking more than 18 credits during a semester are charged ($1,770) for each additional credit. Plus a $15 per credit Part Time Fee. Tuition charges will be finalized after the end of the add/drop period (2/7/25) Courses withdrawn after that date will not impact the tuition charge, unless the student withdraws from all courses by the 5th week of classes. Refund Policy
A student whose billing account is delinquent will be denied the privileges of registering, attending classes, living in the residence halls and using college facilities. Please contact the Billing Office as soon as possible if you need to discuss billing issues ( so we can assist you.
Please submit your food plan adjusmtent request to Residence Life at deadline Febraury 7, 2025. First-year/transfer students will be required to maintain at least the 19 meals per week food plan. Review your Student Account Statement to confirm your accurate food plan. Students should monitor their food plan use because meals and Dining Dollars expire at the end of each semester.
Yes, all full-time students must be covered by Health Insurance. Returning Fall registered Students will automatically be charged the Spring portion of the Annual Goucher Health Insurance premium. If you waive the insurance in the fall, you will not have to waive the insurance in Spring 2025. NOTE: If a student was enrolled in the Annual Health Insurance plan starting in Fall 2024 and is no longer enrolled in the Spring term, the second half of the premium will still be charged to the Student Account. Students that waived the insurance in the fall will not be charged the fee.
New students will be charged the Spring/Summer premium. New students may waive the Spring/Summer insurance plan online if covered by Comparable Health Insurance. You may learn more about the health insurance and have the option to waive it (if you have your own comparable health insurance) at Goucher Health Insurance. Waiver/Enroll Deadline - Janaury 31, 2025 NO EXCEPTIONS.
Yes, you can add gopher bucks to your OneCard at to pay for these and other items listed on the OneCard website.
This mandatory fee covers the cost of activities provided by the Student Government Association (SGA) and student clubs on campus. It is charged to all full-time undergraduate students.
Tuition Insurance provides peace of mind by reimbursing tuition costs if a student withdraws at any time during the semester for a covered reason such as a serious injury or illness, a chronic illness, or a mental health condition and new this year, loss of primary tuition payer.
This coverage expands the scope of our refund policy ( by ensuring reimbursement for tuition, housing, food and other fees for withdrawals at any time during the semester.
Goucher College has partnered with GradGuard™ to provide our families with tuition insurance featuring special plans and rates not available to the general public. The Tuition Refund insurance is optional and the premium will be charged directly through GradGuard. The premium will not be charged on your Goucher Statement.
Students may sign up for coverage for the semester (fall and/or spring) or academic year and choose a coverage level based on their individual situation. Learn more (including how much coverage you may need) and sign up at ( or by calling 877-794-6603. The enrollment deadline is January 26, 2025.
A Billing Stop hold is placed on accounts that have not made arrangements to settle their Tuition Account Balance. Please contact the Billing Office as soon as possible if you need to discuss billing issues ( so we can assist you. Please note, if an account is delinquent a student can be denied the privileges of registering, attending classes, living in the residence halls and using college facilities.
There is no need to overnight payments. You can make a real-time secure payment to a student account at no extra cost using Webpay for electronic checks at You can also mail a check to our Student Billing office on campus (see "Payment Options" for more information)
No, new statements are not automatically created when adjustments are made to the student account. If you have adjustments such as additional scholarships, a food plan change, new Financial Aid, 529 payments etc., email the Billing office at the details of the adjustment and pay the adjusted balance by the deadline.
The Office of Global Education has an estimate of Program Costs on their Study Abroad for study abroad program questions email the Office of Global Education at
You can request that a student account credit be transferred to your OneCard with the following conditions: If your Financial Aid process is complete, but your aid is still anticipated (not disbursed), you can transfer up to $600 before disbursement. Also, if you are paying your tuition bill with the Transact/CashNet Payment Plan, funds cannot be transferred until the payment plan has been paid in full. To request the transfer email
The OneCard is the electronic gateway to the campus. It serves as a the student's food plan card, provides electronic key access to campus buildings and laundry services, and functions as your Goucher library card. It also may be used as a debit card for on- and off-campus spending. Money can be added to this account at any time as Gopher Bucks, which can used to purchase a variety of goods and services including textbooks, food and any Health Center charges. For details, visit or email
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at 410-337-6022 or